'Making Creativity Bloom'

Sunday, 27 February 2011

Lion in the library - 'African Sunset' is finished for Chinese New Year!

I'm just at the front of the library now, for you to come and visit!
Do you like my mane?
My tree has real gold don't you know!

Is this my best side?

African Sunset lion is now finished with many, many hours of loving care spent on this fine beast! Many hours, even days were spent cutting and sticking smaller and smaller mosaic tiles to create his new coat to be part of 'Pride in Bournemouth'. He has put on rather a lot of weight and needed many pairs of hands to lift him from the table to the floor...He now stands guard at the front of the library, waiting for a new name..
Over 200 people of different ages stuck on their tiles to be part of this community project including Harry Porter and Mrs. Porter, different school children and staff, little ones, older ones, council members, even a member of our government!