'Making Creativity Bloom'

Thursday 3 December 2009


Mothercare promotional art workshops - badges galore!

Welcome to the brand new blog of Poppies Art Workshops, brainchild of Natalie Guy. Poppies is based in Bournemouth and travels to deliver wonderful art workshops, which at the moment are mainly mosaics.

We have had a very busy year since we moved from London (almost a year ago – where has the time gone?) to the fabulous South Coast. Looking back over the year we have had some wonderful highlights during a busy summer creating children’s ECO projects. We made a big papier mache Noah’s Ark with a wide range of animals using our secret recipe of ECO paste (no toxins, no nasties, just wholesome ingredients) recycled newspapers, packing boxes and loads of creativity.

Spot the dog, Stripey the blue elephant and the giraffe are some of my personal favourites

alongside the many animals seen through the window of the Ark.

We made a family of life sized cardboard robots at KUBE Gallery in Poole. Each robot was lovingly constructed and had their own personality. “Sargeant “robot came alive, with the help of Tim who donned the unique decorated robot costume and was able to move around the gallery waving his movable arms, much to the delight and skills of the participating children and now smiling parents. “Sergeant” even had his own radio in his top pocket! “Molly” had a cut out face for children to pop their heads inside for a wonderful photo opportunity. “Disco” robot had the most sparkle with Michael Jackson shoulder pads, tinfoil coloured strips to catch the light as he moved around.

We decorated eco drawstring bags, to economise in the use of plastic bags, with younger children and even made badges to encourage healthy eating.
We have had wonderful days in schools running art workshops mosaicing the children’s drawings. The themes have been incredible.

We have had pastel coloured beach huts with sailboats, allotments of children’s grown vegetables, Thomas Hardy’s cottage, doves holding an olive branch in its beak, the world, jigsaw puzzles, musical notes, school crests, forest animals, children in school uniforms, bees, butterflies, rainbows, flowers, trees, birds – we are constantly amazed and inspired by the children’s perception.

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